COVID-19 update. Safety and hygiene have always been our first priority, so you can be assured that not only will we never take risks with your skin, but we’ll always protect your health too. All procedures are in place to keep you and our staff safe. Please get in touch via email or phone with any questions you may have.
Ready to make an appointment or have a question you need answered?
Please contact us:
Phone: 021 922 984
Email estimates: If you would like to get an estimate of cost for removal and the number of sessions likely required, please email and include a picture of your tattoo and state its measurements. This pricing will give you an indication, but will need to be confirmed via a free in-person consultation before treatment can begin.
Our clinic is located at:
The Health Centre
40 St Benedicts St, Newton, Auckland City
Available by appointment only, with flexibility around evening and weekend options to suit your schedule.